How I Turned My Passion Into 7-Figure Earnings with Stan Store

Hey again, it’s Abby, and I wanted to share some things with you today that I wish I knew when I started on my journey to 7 figures! If you’re someone who’s been creating valuable content online and looking for ways to monetize your efforts, then buckle up ’cause you’re in for a treat. I’ve been using a game-changing platform called Stan Store since March, and it has transformed the way I sell digital products and offer my services to my audience. Imagine being able to sell hundreds of thousands of $$ without needing a website! 🤑 – so, I want to take a minute here to lay our what, when, where, why, and how to monetize digital products with Stan Store.

The Stan Store Advantage

Stan Store is a versatile platform designed for content creators, musicians, and anyone seeking to provide value to their online community. It empowers you to seamlessly monetize your content, whether you’re selling digital products, offering one-on-one coaching, or managing bookings and calendars.

Check out my Stan Store here!

What makes Stan Store stand out, in my opinion, is its affordability and rich feature set. Compared to platforms like ClickFunnels, which can cost a hefty $99 per month, Stan Store offers an all-in-one solution that won’t break the bank.

Now, let me walk you through some of the incredible features that have helped me achieve a seven-figure income by selling digital products and providing services through Stan Store. 📈

1. Easy Setup and Quick Results

Getting started with Stan Store is a breeze. I started with a free trial, and within minutes, I had my online store up and running. To my amazement, I made digital product sales within the first day! 😮 That’s the kind of quick turnaround you can expect! I should mention however, that in order to make sales, you need to be offering something, and your content (like I did with my Instagram) should be offering people some value mixed with a call to action. People don’t know you can help unless you tell them that the thing you’re selling can help!

2. Affordable Pricing

For just $29 a month (currently), you get access to a wide range of features, including a link in your bio, automated calendar invites and bookings, and seamless integrations with tools like ConvertKit and Zapier. If you were to purchase these services separately, it could cost you nearly $1300. Stan Store is not just affordable; it’s a smart investment in your online business.

3. In-Depth Analytics For Monetization

Understanding your audience and how your products perform is crucial for success. Stan Store provides comprehensive analytics that show you your store visits by the day, week, and month. You can identify spikes in traffic and track your revenue, giving you valuable insights into your business’s performance.

4. Diverse Product Offerings

Stan Store allows you to offer various digital products and services to your audience. From personalized video responses to recurring memberships, you have the flexibility to cater to your customers’ needs. I personally offer music marketing audits, email templates, one-on-one coaching, and more.

5. Integration and Automation

Integration is key to streamlining your business operations. With Stan Store, you can easily connect to Google Calendar and Zapier. This automation ensures that when someone makes a purchase or downloads your content, it seamlessly triggers email sequences and other actions to enhance your customer experience. That keeps you in touch and connected to your audience through out their journey with you and your services or products. (Major props to Stan 👍)

6. Funnel Creation For Digital Products

If you’re into marketing, you’ll appreciate Stan Store’s funnel creation feature. It allows you to design and implement sales funnels, making it easier to promote your products and services effectively. Whether it’s a lead magnet or a series of offers, Stan Store has you covered.

7. Easy Access from Social Media

Another standout feature (and possibly the most appealing) is the direct link to your Stan Store from your social media bio. Might sound like a tiny feature, but trust me, when you’re offering services to potential buyers on social media, THIS IS HUGE! This eliminates any unnecessary steps for your audience and ensures a smooth and straightforward purchasing process.


Stan Store has been a game-changer for me. It has enabled me to turn my passion into a thriving seven-figure business by monetizing my content and offering valuable services to my audience. This isn’t a paid advertisement; it’s a genuine testimonial from someone who believes in the power of Stan Store.

If you’re looking to monetize your content effectively, automate your processes, and grow your online business, I highly recommend giving Stan Store a try.

Additionally, I’m offering a training on how to drive traffic to your Stan Store called IG Growth for Sales. Feel free to grab it on sale here. It’s user-friendly, affordable, and packed with features that will help you grow!

Purchase IG Growth for Sales now!

I truly hope you find the same success and fulfillment that I have with monetizing Digital Products with Stan Store. If you have any questions or want personalized guidance, feel free to reach out on Instagram. Together, we can take your digital products and services to the next level.

Keep creating and keep thriving! I’m cheering for you!

December 8, 2023




Meet your new business bestie, Abby!

Hi there! I am a mom, entrepreneur, and social media influencer. My journey began when my husband had a medical emergency that left me feeling scared and unsure of what the future held for our family.

In response, I decided to take control of my life and build a successful business from the ground up. I began sharing my journey on social media and quickly built a loyal following of like-minded individuals who were inspired by my story.

Today, I am proud to say that I earn a 6-figure income in my sleep thanks to the business I built. And now that our family is healthy again, I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with others who want to create their own successful businesses.

Through my blog, social media channels, and online courses, I offer practical tips and advice on how to start and grow a profitable business from the comfort of your own home. I believe that with the right mindset, determination, and support, anyone can achieve their dreams and create a life they love.

I am excited to continue sharing my story and helping others on their own entrepreneurial journeys. Thank you for joining me on this journey!